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When CBD Oil Doesn't Work

When CBD Oil Doesn't Work

Many people choose CBD oil for its potential to support overall well-being. Users often explore cannabidiol oil for general comfort and to maintain a sense of calm. So, when CBD oil doesn’t work for you, it can be very frustrating. 

But don’t despair. There is hope. CBD oil works, but you have to match your routine to your needs. And you have to find the right product. We can help you do both. 

Whether you’re a new user not seeing the results you expected or a regular user who is not getting the same relief, there’s a solution. It’s usually resolved by addressing one of these five factors. And we address these in the article below.

5 Reasons Why CBD Oil Doesn't Work For You

when cbd oil doesnt work

When CBD oil doesn’t work for you, it can be very confusing, especially if you’ve heard rave reviews about its benefits. But before you give up on it altogether, first check that these five reasons aren’t the problem.

Inferior Quality Or Non-Authentic CBD OIls

Have you bought your CBD oil from a reputable dealer? Can they provide validated test results for their products? If the answer to those questions is no, you may have bought an inferior product. It might not even be authentic CBD oil!

Unfortunately, as with any other supplement, there are unscrupulous scam artists out there trying to pass off inferior products or downright harmful imitations as the real thing. And the danger of buying untested, uncertified, or unknown products is real. 

If you can’t be assured that what you’re getting is pure CBD oil, it could do you more harm than good. Even producers of real CBD oil can sometimes offer poorly produced products that just don’t deliver results, or contain impurities.

The hemp that the CBD is extracted from should be of the highest quality. Low-quality hemp may be treated with toxic agents and pesticides that can remain in the finished products. How CBD is extracted from the hemp plant also has a major impact on the quality of the final product. 

When CBD is extracted with solvents like butane, the ensuing reactions alter the compounds’ genetic profiles, drastically reducing the product’s overall quality. 

Many CBD companies have also been discovered to label their products with false claims. According to University of Pennsylvania research, “nearly 70 percent of all cannabidiol products sold online are either over or under-labeled.” 

A CBD company must provide third-party test results to verify that their products contain the amounts of CBD and THC claimed in their advertising. But the results should come from an accredited lab and be recent! Look for the date and batch ID to ensure they’re the results for your product and not an old batch. 

why cbd oil doesn't work

The Solution

Why are CBD products so expensive? They may seem pricey, but a little goes a long way. The important thing is that you get an authentic product. 

Only buy from reputable CBD oil dealers like Pure Spectrum. We guarantee that our CBD products are all the real things! They are THC-free, non-toxic, certified CBD products. 

What’s more, we test our products and put up the test results for all to see. How are we able to do this? We’re not the middleman - we are the source. We grow and harvest the hemp that we use in the products on our own farms. 

And our sustainable growing practices, superior quality, and ethical processing combine to produce a superior product that delivers results. So buy pure CBD oil and have no regrets.

Unrealistic Expectations

CBD oil works, and it has many benefits. But while CBD oil benefits are numerous, CBD is not a cure-all. That is an unrealistic expectation. 

Another unrealistic expectation is that you’ll feel relief in seconds. And then when you don’t, you think the CBD oil doesn’t work for you. Does CBD oil work immediately? No, it can get to work very quickly in some cases, but for most, it can take a while to have an effect. 

CBD must be used consistently to enjoy the full benefits. It can take up to a month for the CBD to build up in your system before you start to see the results you’re looking for.

cbd oil does nothing

The Solution

Even if CBD oil doesn’t cure a particular ailment, that doesn’t mean it’s of no use. CBD oil helps manage the pain, inflammation, and anxiety caused by a vast number of conditions. 

Start with a lower serving size, like our 500mg CBD Oil. It’s perfect for first-time users. Then give it some time, and decide whether you need to increase the serving size, and frequency, or use a more potent product. 

cbd gummies dont work

Match your CBD use to the severity of your condition, to get effective and realistic results. The trick is to find the right concentration, serving size, and delivery method for you. You can always start with the lower concentration, and move on to a higher concentration, if needed. Or just increase your serving frequency.

Serving Size, Concentration, and Frequency

The serving size or concentration of CBD that you are using may be too low for what you’re trying to treat. Users with mild ailments and those in chronic pain are not going to benefit from the same serving size schedules or CBD concentrations. 

In general severe pain requires consistent use of a high percentage CBD oil (perhaps more than once daily) for noticeable relief. Consider your needs when deciding how much you need and how often to use CBD oil.

The Solution

Our lower-concentration CBD oil or CBD gummies or mints are perfect for beginners and for use in mild ailments. Try our 500 mg CBD oil along with a pack of gummies, a CBD salve, and a CBD isolate powder, in our Beginner’s Bundle.

When CBD oil has no effect

Users with more severe pain may benefit more from our higher strength CBD oils such as the 1250mg Cannabidiol Oil. With one serving (1 ml) a day you’ll enjoy a month’s supply in one bottle.

CBD oil not producing results

Alternatively, our highest strength 2500 mg CBD oil in organic MCT oil, loved by athletes recovering from severe injuries, may also work. If you want it to last even longer before having to buy it again, get our 5000mg CBD oil. 

When CBD oil isn't effective

Upping your serving size is a great option when CBD oil stops working.


Timing can also be the reason why CBD oil works contrary to how you want it to. Do you find yourself unable to stay awake and focus at work after taking your CBD oil in the morning? Are you struggling to sleep at night despite taking CBD oil?  

Your timing of CBD oil use just needs to be adjusted to suit your individual needs. This is also relative to your lifestyle. 

When you’re able to sleep late or work flexible hours from home, it may not be as much of a concern. But, if you’re expected to be at your work post early in the morning, it’s probably not a great idea to take a heavy serving size of CBD just beforehand. 

The Solution

If you’re taking CBD for sleep disturbances, taking one heavier serving at night is the way to go. If you are using it for another reason, and need to take it throughout the day, use a smaller serving in the morning. and the bigger serving in the evening. 

The great thing about measured-out serving sizes like our gummies, mints, and softgel capsules, is they make serving sizes simple and also easy to control. If you’re struggling to match the right serving size to the right time, this may be the solution for you. 

Delivery Method

What works for one CBD user won’t necessarily work for another, and often the delivery method is the key. There are many options when it comes to CBD oil. Oils and tinctures are common, but not the only way to enjoy CBD benefits.

CBD oil no effect

Just because a CBD topical balm benefits your friend, it may not help you. And just because CBD gummies don’t work for your friend, doesn’t mean they won’t work for you. 

Every CBD user responds differently to different delivery methods. And this is because your age, weight, health factors, and even your metabolism all play a role in CBD oil duration and efficacy. 

The Solution

Our wide range of CBD products, which includes gummies, mints, softgel capsules, CBD isolate powders and even topicals give you the freedom to use CBD your own way.  And of course, we also stock several oil concentrations. These are available in different carrier oils, too. 

BD oil ineffective


The best way to experiment and find what works best for you is to try multiple products. And it doesn’t have to be expensive, either. Our value-for-money CBD bundles introduce you to different products with different delivery methods. But they all contain the same top-quality CBD.

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