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What to Look For When Choosing A CBD Company

What to Look For When Choosing A CBD Company

Not all CBD products are created equally. With the abundance of CBD companies on the market, it is important to be able to distinguish between a quality product and a cash grab. Here are a few tips to help you make that distinction.

What Extraction Method is Used?

There are a variety of different methods that can be used to extract CBD from hemp. To create highly effective, pure, and potent CBD products, the CBD must be carefully extracted to preserve the quality of the cannabinoid. Not all extraction methods result in a high-quality CBD extract. When CBD is extracted with solvents such as butane, chemical reactions may alter the genetic profile of the compounds.

At Pure Spectrum, we use an ethanol extraction method to ensure we are providing our customers with cannabinoid products of the highest quality.

What are the Hemp Growing Standards?

A quality CBD product starts with quality hemp. It is important to know where the hemp is sourced and what the growing conditions are. Hemp is known to be a bioaccumulator, which means it absorbs materials from its surroundings. It’s so effective at absorbing material from the soil that it was used in the area around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to absorb dangerous radionuclides from the soil after the explosion. 

Pure Spectrum only grows our hemp plants on sustainable family farms in the United States that must provide test results to prove the purity of cannabinoids. Our hemp plants are USDA certified organic and our products are rigorously tested for heavy metals, microbial, and pesticides. 

Check THC content 

It’s important to know what the THC content is for any CBD products you are using. If you are looking for a product without intoxicating effects, or if you are subject to drug tests, it is important to choose a THC-free product. Even trace amounts of THC can build up over time and result in a failed drug tests. 

We remediate all trace amounts of THC so that our drug-tested customers can confidently use our products. 

Look for Third-Party Testing Results

A CBD company should be able to provide third-party test results to verify their products contain the amounts of CBD and THC claimed. Many CBD companies have been discovered to falsely label their products. According to University of Pennsylvania research, “nearly 70 percent of all cannabidiol products sold online are either over or under labeled.” By reviewing the test results, you can verify the product contains the amount of CBD and THC advertised. The test results should come from an accredited lab, and be recent! Look for the date on the test results and a batch ID to ensure that you are being provided with test results for your product. Not an old batch. 

Pure Spectrum’s testing procedures are the industry gold standard. Our raw materials and finished products are tested multiple times at every stage of the process. Our test results for each batch are always posted on our website so you can ensure the purity and potency of the products you are taking.

Avoid Additives and Unnatural Substances

When it comes to ingredients, less is more. In a quality CBD oil, the only ingredients should be CBD extract and the carrier oil. You should never see a long list of ingredients and chemicals that are hard to pronounce. 

Pure Spectrum CBD products are created with organic and purposeful ingredients. There are no fillers in any of our products. From our CBD oils to our topicals, every ingredient is carefully selected to have a synergistic effect. 

Check the Customer Support Offered

A reputable CBD company should have a team committed to answering questions and helping customers to choose products best suited to your need. If you can’t find a way to contact the company, that is a major red flag. 

Our customer service team is committed to helping our customers make informed decisions. You can reach out to us with any questions via our online chat, email (, or phone (303.674.5759). 

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