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Is CBD Safe?

Is CBD Safe?

Have you ever wondered if it’s safe to take CBD? Good news–according to a recent study, daily consumption of CBD is not associated with elevated liver tests, low testosterone, or daytime drowsiness, all of which are concerns previously raised by the FDA. The results of the study found CBD to have a strong safety profile. 

In March 2020, the FDA released a public statement listing liver injury as their top concern, along with “male reproductive toxicity, or damage to fertility in males or male offspring of women.”. The FDA claimed they needed more real-world data to move forward with the regulation of CBD products. This study provides that real-world data. 

The study was completed on March 22, 2022, involving 1061 participants. Participants were adults 18-75 years of age across the United States, taking CBD orally for a minimum of 30 days.

Dr. Robert Kaufmann, Director of Research for Validcare and former Professor of Medicine at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine states, “The data in this study looks really good; it’s highly significant, and the chances of it being wrong are very, very small. I am very hopeful that this data will allow the FDA to regulate these popular CBD products.”. 

The FDA has not taken any concrete steps toward the regulation of CBD. The incredible results of this study have reinspired those in the CBD industry to urge the FDA to take steps to regulate CBD now and call on Congress to act if FDA continues to delay. 

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