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How to Reduce Pet Stress During the Holiday Season

How to Reduce Pet Stress During the Holiday Season

We all know the frenzy of the holiday season can be stressful, but we often forget our pets can feel the stress too. Whether you’re traveling or hosting, it can be a lot for your pets to handle. You can help your dog or cat minimize holiday stress with some simple adjustments. 

  1. Create A Safe Space For Your Pet
    • A pet living in a normally quiet house may feel overwhelmed when surrounded by guests. Create a safe place for your pet to retreat. A bedroom set up with toys and a cozy bed can help them keep calm and give them the ability to escape the chaos. If traveling, set up a crate in a quieter corner of the house. 
  2. Drown Out Loud Noises
    • A white noise machine, TV, or calming music can help drown out loud conversations, laughter, or fireworks on New Year’s Eve. This can help prevent your pet from being overstimulated due to loud noises. Play the soothing noises for them in the safe space you set up. 
  3. Give Your Pet CBD 
    • CBD is an excellent choice for calming nerves in humans and pets alike, but it’s important to note: CBD has a cumulative effect. Ideally, you want to start giving your pet CBD in the weeks leading up to a party or travel. Our Endopet product line provides specifically formulated CBD products for dogs and cats of all sizes. For an extra special treat, check out our blog post on how to make Calming CBD dog treats (DIY recipe). 
  4. Keep their Routine the Same
    • Holidays cause a change in many people’s schedules. Changes in your schedule may cause anxiety in pets. “Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive on a good routine,” said Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for The American Kennel Club. “We also know that dogs pick up on the feelings of their owners.” If you’re feeling the holiday stress, your pets are likely to feel it too. Whether at home or traveling, try your best to keep your pets’ meal and walk times as regular and consistent as possible. And make sure to spoil them with extra love and attention. 


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